CPHRM Exam Flashcard Study System
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CPHRM Exam Flashcard Study System: CPHRM Test Practice Questions & Review for the Certified Professional in Healthcare Risk Management Exam
***Ace Your Exam and Get the Results You Deserve***
Taking the Certified Professional in Healthcare Risk Management Exam is a challenge and your results can make a huge difference when it comes to your future. If you do well on the exam, it can open doors and lead to wonderful opportunities. If you do poorly on the exam, you will find yourself with fewer options. You may have to put your plans for the future on hold, or even give up on them altogether. Preparing for your exam with our CPHRM Exam Flashcard Study System can help you avoid this fate and give you a big advantage when you take the test. Thousands of satisfied customers have relied on Mometrix Flashcards to help them pass their exams, and now you can too.
CPHRM is a trademark of the American Hospital Association and the American Hospital Association has not reviewed, sponsored or endorsed this product.
When you study with Mometrix CPHRM flashcards, you'll get an in-depth review of each test section.
The Clinical/Patient Safety section includes:
- Problems with patient-controlled analgesia
- Incident reports
The Risk Financing section includes:
- Risk retention strategies
- Selecting an insurance carrier
- Time element coverage
- Employment practices and fiduciary liability insurance
- Due diligence before introducing new service models
The Legal and Regulatory Healthcare Operations section includes:
- Liability issues for healthcare providers
- Legal issues specific to setting
- Roles in surveying healthcare organizations
- Safe medical devices act of 1990
- Systems for reporting medical errors
The Claims and Litigation section includes:
- Medical record
- Documentation models
- Vulnerability to emergencies
- Risk management program
- Risks manager's roles and in various settings
...and much more!
We believe in delivering lots of value for your money, so our flashcard system is packed with the critical information you'll need to master in order to ace your CPHRM exam. Our flashcards enable you to study small, digestible bits of information that are easy to learn and give you exposure to the different question types and concepts. With Mometrix flashcards, you'll be able to study anywhere, whenever you have a few free minutes of time.
Study after study has shown that spaced repetition is the most effective form of learning, and nothing beats flashcards when it comes to making repetitive learning fun and fast. Using Mometrix flashcards for your CPHRM review incorporates repetitive methods of study to teach you how to break apart and quickly solve difficult test questions.
You also get online access to CPHRM practice test questions, created by our Mometrix test prep team, to prepare you for what to expect on the actual exam. Each answer is explained in depth, in order to make the principles and reasoning behind it crystal clear.
Mometrix Test Preparation has helped thousands of people achieve their education goals. Our CPHRM Exam Flashcard Study System can help you get the results you deserve on your CPHRM test too.